Application - Spring
NEW for 2025 - POPS has moved to online player applications.
All player applications must be submitted online using the link below.
Please read the below information BEFORE completing the Online Application to participate in the POPS 2025 Spring/Summer Softball League.
Important Points
One Application: Use one application for all POPS leagues (even if playing in more than one league).
Specific Team: If you want to play on a specific team, you must get approval from that Manager BEFORE filling out this application.
Fees (Include: umpires fees, liability insurance, field permits, uniform shirts, softballs. You pay nothing more all year.)
Amount: The fee for playing in any one 2025 POPS Spring/Summer league is $200. If playing in more than one 2025 Spring/Summer league, the fee is $200 for first (younger) league, and $150 for second (older) league. There are no refunds.
Collection of Fees:
Specific Team: If you are applying to play on a specific team (with approval of that team's Manager), your fee is to be collected by that Manager.
Individual: If you are applying as an individual, and not as part of a specific team (to be put on the POPS waiting list), mail your fee to: POPS Softball, 20 Rochester Ave, East Atlantic Beach, NY 11561.
Voluntary POPS Contributions: If you choose to make a voluntary contributions which will go toward (a) POPS Scholarship Funds, or (b) Families in Need, please include this amount with your registration fees.
New POPS Players. All players new to POPS must provide a copy of your drivers license to your manager (or if you are applying as an individual and not as part of a team, send a copy along with your fees to: POPS Softball, 20 Rochester Ave, East Atlantic Beach, NY 11561).
Team Sponsors. If you (or a family member or friend) are interested in promoting your (their) business by sponsoring a POPS team, please contact: POPS Commissioner, Keith Pastuch -
Specific Instructions for Completing the Application
On bottom of each page, click/tap on the "Back" or "Next" button.
Waiver: You must acknowledge the POPS waiver when prompted (type your name and complete the checkbox) in order to participate in any POPS league.
You must click "Submit" at the end in order for your application to be submitted.
If need to make any changes after you submit your application, you should contact your Manager or POPS Commissioner, Keith Pastuch, at
POPS Softball - 2025 Spring/Summer Online Application
Click HERE to open the 2025 Spring/Summer online application.
Further Information
For further information or if you have any questions, please contact:
POPS Commissioner, Keith Pastuch -
See also the POPS website: