
POPS (Past Our Prime Softball) is widely considered the premier adult softball league on Long Island. It comprises the right mix of competition, safety and fun, which is why we’ve got upwards of 600 players in our 40 & Over, 50 & Over, 60 & Over, and 70 & Over leagues. That said, POPS is about more than softball – we are part of our local communities and demonstrate this through our charitable giving.

Scholarships. Each year, POPS presents scholarships to select graduating high school seniors of POPS players who will be attending college in the Fall. The scholarship recipients are chosen based on a combination of academic achievement, athletic participation, and involvement in community service.

Families In Need. POPS gives money each holiday season to families in our local communities who have fallen upon hard times and could use some assistance. 

The money we donate is collected in a variety of ways.