POPS Philosophy:  To provide adult men a safe, friendly, and fun environment to play competitive softball, for all levels of play.

Field Status

Field Status

If there is a chance of rain... Check back to this site at around 4-5pm. Contact your manager, as they will be the 1st to be informed once final decisions are made about the fields. 

TBD = To Be Determined by the Park.

Support our Sponsors!

Commish Corner 

Dr. Keith Pastuch
  UPDATED 7/22 /24

 Click below to submit suggestions or feedback for POPS.


POPS "Fall Ball" will be starting September, 2nd. This year there will be a 40, 50, & 60+ league. Individual players are still invited to sign up and join. Go to the POPS website- www.popsoftball.com download the fall ball application, fill out both pages & mail it to the address on the application along with payment. Get your applcations in ASAP, as there are only a few openings. 


The "Playoffs" are officially starting the week of July 22nd. The playoff schedule has been posted for each league. Remember playoffs are double elimination. 


The POPS "Scholarship" committe met and selected seven recipients for this years scholarships. They are listed to the right and below. Congratulations to all the families of these outstanding kids. 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Based on request of players and a survey of managers in the 50+ league, the POPS board voted to have two leagues.  A 7 inning & 9 inning league. 12 teams voted for 7 innings & 4 voted for 9 innings. Consequently, there will be 3 champions. One from the 9 inning league and two from the 7 inning league, where the league will be split up to form 2 divisions for the playoffs.  _____________________________________________________________________________________

GREAT News!!! It is offcial - Oceanside HS, our home field is getting TURF. That means less rainouts, more room for makeups and a safer field for 2025. ___________________________________________________________________________________

It was great to see so many smiling faces. Men renewing friendships, having a night out, the competition and camraderie. Its what POPS Softball is all about. ___________________________________________________________________________________

POPS Softball is full for this year in all 3 leagues, the 40, 50 & 60+ leagues. 

I feel horrible we were unable to get the 3 teams and 67 players into our league from the waiting list. POPS will continue to try to get good fields to add these players next year. 

I'd like to "Welcome" the new teams and players to POPS Softball. You will find POPS is known as a "Brotherhood" where good competition, camaraderie and new freindships are the standard. ___________________________________________________________________________________

New Players or New Teams looking to join POPS Softball in 2025 can contact the Commish @ commish@popsoftball.com


Update-  POPS has gotten permission to add a "Port A Potty" at Oceanside HS.. It is placed behind the 1st base dugout, attached to the fence. Every manager has the combination of the lock and this will stay until after Fall Ball is completed. Please make sure to LOCK it when done. This means there are now facilities at every field we play on. 


"POPS is more than just softball, it's a Brotherhood". 


Check into this site every week for updates on POPS Softball

Interested in joining POPS as a player or as a whole team? Click here to find out more about POPS.


POPS Softball is a league that allocates any additional monies raised, donated or left over to help others. We do so with "scholarships" to kids going to college and to helping "families in need" come the holidays. 

Congratulations  POPS 2024 "Scholarship" Winners:

1) Oceanside HS MVP Softball Player & LASH Memorial winner:   Olivia Ikes

2) Rick Holle Memorial- Jack Greenfeld

3) Ed Cain Memorial - Emma Trocchia

4) Scott Crohn Memorial - Matthew Kearney

5) Stephen Klein Memorial - Brendan Mitaritonna

6) David Kerner Memorial - Thomas Scholl

7) POPS Director Scholarship - Madsion Marazita

Each of these recipeints exccelled in their high school careers and POPS expects special things in their futures. 


Congratulations POPS 2023 Spring/Summer CHAMPIONS:

40 & over A division - team Hassett

50 & over A division - team Intrabartola

50 & over B division- team Faessler

50 & over C division- team Doyle

60 & over A division - team Cotto

60 & over B division - team Parulo


Congratulations POPS 2023 Fall Ball CHAMPIONS:

                      40 & over- team Hughes

50 & over - team Aversano/Hassett

                      60 & over - team Lane

Congrats to all the Father/Son teams on another great season

Special THANKS to the Fall Ball Commissioners: Andy Eisner and Howie Gallub, and Umpire in Chielf Hugh Kovitz for allowing me time to unwind, relax and recharge my batteries for a great seaon in 2023    


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